
Mitch Drouillard was planning to open up a new shop to do custom air brushing, chrome finishing, and polishing. He was also planning to expand to other lines as his company grew. He knew he needed an air compressor to run his equipment and began shopping around. He needed something that would be able to handle his regular operations, have the capacity to grow with his business, and represent the quality of his product.


One afternoon, Mitch was at a tool supply store and ran in to Brett from Michigan Air Compressor Technologies, who was purchasing some parts. Mitch talked with Brett about his application, and Brett told Mitch that he needed a Saylor Beall. He sold the customer on the USA made quality and durability, explained features of the compressor and the service he would receive, and then gave him his business card telling him to call him any time. After another conversation with Brett at 9:00pm that same day, Mitch decided spending his money on a Saylor-Beall air compressor would be well worth the investment.

MACT Install


A few months later, Mitch still loves his Saylor Beall and appreciates working with Michigan Air Compressor Technologies. Mitch said: “This is the best investment I made since I opened my shop, and many of my customers have commented numerous times on how my high quality air compressor is an example of the product I will produce with it.” Mitch is proud of his compressor, and knows that Saylor Beall and Michigan Air Compressor Technologies will stand by his investment.

The Distributor:

Michigan Air Compressor Technologies has been open for 7 years in Bay City, Michigan. Jeff and his team service all of northern Michigan. They maintain a strong customer focus, providing solutions to the problems they have with their air needs with excellent service to back up those solutions. Jeff believes that anyone can quote a price, but once you talk to customers about the features and benefits of a Saylor-Beall, the product will sell itself.

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