BruceWhile freight might seem like a small issue, it has become a big problem for business in recent years.

I recall 28 years ago when I joined Saylor-Beall, a 30% discount was tops from the freight company.  Today, the discount might be 85% or even higher.

Think about how this impacts you.  If a piece of freight comes in collect, and you have no discount, you will pay through the nose. …In the old days,  if the discounted price should have been $200 and you lost your discount, the $200 cost went to  $286.  Not that the extra cost would make you happy, but at least it was manageable.

In today’s environment, if the discounted price is $200, but your 85% discount is replaced with list price, your freight cost escalates to $1,333, almost unconscionable.  That doesn’t include all the surcharges you might get for a “residential delivery”, construction site delivery, interline surcharge, lift gate delivery, 24 call before delivery, etc.  It seems like today’s business needs a tariff expert to do business with a freight company.

Then there are the issues with freight damage.  Several years ago, I recall a report where an air compressor was delivered upside down.  Another one went out in a rectangle crate, only to be received in a crate the shape of a triangle.

Some times when there is minor damage, you might need to accept the equipment.  Just repair it and hope you get fairly reimbursed for the damages.

It always helps to have a manufacturer to help with freight issues, as we have leverage with the freight companies.  While you need to conform to reasonable rules, when there is a problem with freight, we usually can help.

On the issue of cost, Saylor-Beall includes the cost of freight in its price on any shipment over 350 lbs within Continental US.  Even on a single tank mounted unit, you don’t have to worry about the cost of freight in this environment of freight insanity.


Bruce McFee
President – Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Company
Chairman – Sullivan-Palatek, Inc.

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